As the Star-Telegram reported last week, on November 10 of this year a significant milestone was reached for renewable energy:
The state’s [Texas’] biggest power grid says electricity provided by wind farms hit a record at 10:21 a.m. Nov. 10, when 8,521 megawatts made it to transmission lines.
That’s a little more than 25% of the total electricity needed statewide that day, according to ERCOT (the Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
For those who are invested in renewable, or “green”, energy sources, this is wonderful news; though it does not come without a downside. As the article goes on to point out, wind power in Texas is closely tied to federal subsidies. Every megawatt-hour that makes it to the grid, providing much needed residential and business electricity, costs taxpayers money. Renewable energy, while good for the planet, comes with a cost. For example, a recent report estimates that the total amount of subsidies in Texas for wind power from 2006 through 2015 will total more than $4 billion.
While Texas does produce more wind power than any other state, those shopping for commercial electricity in other parts of the country would do will to take note. Renewable energy is a hot topic right now in every deregulated market.
The big question for business owners is this: how does renewable energy affect your business electricity strategy? Should you be using renewable energy sources? If so, to what extent? Should you be concerned about the associated cost via tax subsidies? Just how important is it for your company to be “green”?
Selecting a provider, contract and rate for your commercial electricity needs is a complex decision. Far more complex that it appears at first glance, due to the sheer number of options. There are, quite literally, dozens of ways to price and sell business electricity. Just as some of those options will fit your company like a glove, some of them will not.
And the difference can be profound. Profound enough, in fact, to impact your bottom line.
The issue of so called “green” energy is going to continue to be an important factor in choosing a business electricity plan for the foreseeable future. Business owners are wise to consider the impact of utilizing renewable energy, both the good and the bad. Ultimately, the decision to use green energy for your organization’s commercial electricity needs is your decision, but the team of experts at Live Energy can help you sort through your options and find the answer that works best for you.
Here at Live Energy, we pride ourselves on empowering our clients. We put up-to-the-minute market information in your hands in ways that you can understand and act on. No insider jargon. No complicated fine print. Just relevant, digestible information that you can use when making your business electricity decisions. We offer a consultative approach, listening to your needs and helping you sort through what matters most to your organization. Our goal is to save you time and money, making your commercial electricity strategy one of your business’s core strengths.
The winds of change are blowing in business electricity and the Live Energy team can help you stay ahead of the curve. Call us today at 888-341-9155 to find out what we can do to help you develop the best possible commercial electricity strategy for your company.